College Counseling
At St. Vincent De Paul, we provide comprehensive academic, college and wellness counseling services to meet the needs of our students. Over the last five years, St. Vincent De Paul College Prep seniors have been admitted to over 150 different colleges and universities including MIT, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Yale and Notre Dame.
From the moment an incoming 9th graders arrives to campus through the entire college application and decision-process, we are working individually with each student. Our offering is designed to be comprehensive, constant, in-depth and personalized — and we believe the most robust in the North Bay. For many of our families, independent college counselors will not be necessary. And for those who seek outside help, their advisors will find a helpful partner in our school.
9th and 10th Grade
St. Vincent De Paul students prepare for college counseling as early as 9th grade as they adjust to the expectations of a rigorous academic program. Relationships with academic advisors and faculty help to enhance independent learning. Curriculum choices ensure a solid foundation with ample opportunity for exploration into areas of interest.
11th and 12th Grade
We believe that the second semester of the junior year is the best time for families to begin focusing on the college process. At that point, students have the maturity needed to begin making decisions that will shape their application list. Students are more able to complete an honest self-assessment and perform thoughtful college research to find potential college “matches.” Students also have sufficient practice testing and academic grade reports to allow for a more accurate assessment of which colleges and universities would be the most reasonable to target.
Our college counselor begins to meet individually with juniors and families starting in the spring semester, continuing a dialogue with the student and the family that lasts until the end of senior year. Every student meets with our college counselor who will help them develop a well-balanced college list. The counselor will offer advice on testing, teacher recommendations, interviews, personal statements, and other aspects of the process. Our English department works with each senior on crafting their personal statement and supplemental essays.
The SVHS College Corner website is a robust site filled with helpful college admissions information.
School CEEB Code: 052455
Counseling Resources
College Counseling:
See the information on this page.
Academic Counseling:
Visit our Academic Counseling page >>
St. Vincent de Paul High School offers a 21st-century education in a small but diverse learning community. The best way for you to learn more about us is by visiting our campus. For inquiries, please Contact Admissions
We are currently accepting applications for the 2023-2024 School Year. Please apply before November 18, 2022 for Priority Registration. To apply, there is a Direct Link to Application
For Counseling, please contact: