Drama Camp will be directed by our Drama instructor, Juliet Noonan who has been teaching theater students for close to 20 years and worked with a range of age groups from K-12 to college within private and public education. Previously, Juliet was the Education Director at 6th Playhouse in Santa Rosa where she taught and directed plays for seven years. In addition to her teaching expertise, Ms. Noonan is an accomplished actress who has worked for several theatre companies in the Bay Area.
Drama Camp 1 – Mining for Myths: Explore ancient myths and create an original play. Students make comparisons between creation myths then write an original creation myth play script to perform for an audience. Curriculum resource: Kennedy Center Education
Students will:
- Describe the basic elements of the myths.
- Compare two creation myth stories and their basic elements.
- Collaborate in groups to research and gather information about a culture.
- Write an original play with elements of creation myths and facts about a culture.
- Participate in improv and movement.
- Create masks, set design and costumes that are utilized in the final production.
- Perform an adapted Myth performance for an audience.
June 27th thru July 1st
9:00AM until 3:00PM | Rising 7th through 9th graders
Price includes $25 materials fee.