Student Government
Expectations for all ASB Members
- Represent St Vincent de Paul High School with dignity, honor and pride
- Add your own ideas to improve your position or responsibilities
- Help others with their projects Work before, after and during school hours to fully and effectively implement ASB activities
- Wear ASB Lettermen Sweater on Mondays, Mass Days and formal school events presenting our school to the public Setup and cleanup ASB activities
- Maintain academic and social standing on campus Communicate effectively with each Advisor to ensure success, open lines of communication and to resolve any struggles you may be having.
- Keep a complete record of the work in the form of a notebook
- Be supportive and positive member of SVDPHS’s Student Government Uphold and respect all school rules – dress code, attendance and respect for teachers, students and school property
ASB Executive Board and Commissions
ASB President
The ASB President oversees all aspects of the Associated Student Body at St Vincent de Paul High School. This job requires someone who is able to multitask, organize events and motivate people. This person must be positive, creative, a dedicated worker and a leader to all. This person must be willing to dedicate many hours to ASB and SVdPHS. The ASB President takes on the responsibility of seeking to better the programs and activities that are currently in place.
Duties: The ASB President will…
- Serve as an exemplar of respectful, responsible and reliable leadership to other students.
- Oversee the executive functioning of the ASB organization.
- Commit to the continued growth of the ASB organization as well as SVDPHS.
- Act as a liaison between the student body and the administration of SVDPHS.
- Create a thoughtful and organized agenda for each ASB Executive meeting.
- Preside over school assemblies, rallies, Executive Council meetings and General Assemble meetings.
- Represent the student body of SVDPHS at special events with outside organizations.
- Work with the ASB Vice President and Commissioners to ensure that all ASB work gets done in a timely and efficient manner.
- Organize a new student lunch for all transfer students to present yourself, our school and the networks of assistance that exists here at SVdPHS.
- Assist with Freshmen Orientation. Delegate duties and oversee the delegation of duties to ensure a fairness of work time.
ASB Vice President
The ASB Vice President is in charge of assisting the ASB President in their duties. The Vice President, like the President, must be able to multitask, organize events and motivate people. They must also be positive, creative, a dedicated worker and a leader to all. The Vice President assumes the role of President should a vacancy occur. The Vice President also works to manage and oversee the House of Classes through bi-weekly meetings.
Duties: The ASB Vice President will…
- Work in conjunction with the ASB President to ensure that all ASB Work gets done in a timely andefficient manner.
- Create a thoughtful and organized agenda for Commissioner and House of Classes meetings.
- Organize, plan and oversee ASB’s casual spring dance. Serve as an exemplar of respectful, responsible and reliable leadership to other students.
- Oversee Grade Level Forums and School-Wide Forums.
Please see President’s duties. Vice President should assist with all of the above. Assist with Freshmen Orientation, new student lunch and other areas where the President needs assistance.
ASB Secretary
The ASB Secretary must be a meticulous person. This person must be motivated and work to ensure that all proper documents are in order for ASB. This person must be able to meet deadlines and remember to make the minutes available to the ASB Historian.
Duties: The ASB secretary will…
- Serve as an exemplar of respectful, responsible and reliable leadership to other students.
- Take roll of attendees at meetings with verbal and written cues.
- Prepare and distribute typed minutes to any stakeholder seeking clarity.
- Send thank you notes to administrators, teachers, support staff members and parent volunteers.
- Send Birthday cards to administrators, teachers and support staff members.
- Produce a Student Government directory.
- Work in coordination with the ASB Historian to create a physical and digital binder which documents how ASB events are run and organized. Maintain ASB’s yearly calendar.
ASB Treasurer
The ASB Treasurer must keep accurate records of all financial transactions and communicate this information directly to ASB’s Executive Board. The treasure must predict and work towards the creation of a budget for all yearly activities. To do this job correctly, a treasurer must track all expenditures and transactions occurring within ASB’s finances. Ideally, this ASB Treasurer works to regulate the flow of monies (when many people want to spend it) in conjunction with the Executive Board.
Duties: ASB Treasure will…
- Serve as an exemplar of respectful, responsible and reliable leadership to other students.
- Authorize and sign all financial requests made by members of SVdPHS’s Student Government.
- Work toward the creation of a budget which identifies expenses associated with all activities associated with Student Government.
- Understand the policies the school has in regard to the use of student finances.
- Tally, log and deposit all monies quickly. Work with SVdPHS’s Finance Department.
- Create and interpret monthly financial reports which track both inflows and outflows as well as amount of money in ASB’s Student Government account.
- Use the necessary forms to log all deposits and requests.
ASB Historian
The ASB Historian must be willing and able to tell the story of ASB. This person must take photos, conduct interviews and observe the many activities at SVDPHS. These activities include but are not limited to: Sporting Events, Club Activities, School-Wide Days of Service, Dances, etc. The ASB Historian’s job is not complete until ASB’s Facebook Page, Instagram account and Bulletin Board are updated and proudly displayed.
Duties: The ASB Historian will…
- Serve as an exemplar of respectful, responsible and reliable leadership to other students.
- Record the activities of the year through video, pictures and written reports.
- Elicit materials from various entities throughout the school – Athletic Director, Yearbook Staff,
Advancement, etc. - Maintains a weekly update of ASB’s Facebook Page and Instagram account.
- Update ASB’s Bulletin Board monthly. Prepare a historical document which captures a year in review.
- Communicate with the SVDPHS social media resource regularly to share photos, videos, etc.
- Survey the student body of SVdPHS to gather necessary data for either planning events or gaining clarity about an events success.
Commissioner of Social Concerns and Diversity
Duties: The Commissioner of Social Concerns and Diversity will work to…
- Coordinate a Can Food Drive in alignment with Thanksgiving.
- Coordinate a Toy Drive is alignment with the Christmas Season.
- Update bulletin board to reflect ASB’s current theme or focus Organize an activity or activities that celebrate…
- Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15th – October 15th) O Black History Month (February)
- Women’s History Month (March) – International Women’s Day
- Chinese New Year and Singles Day November 11th
- Support our Campus Minister’s call to service through our School Wide Day of Service o Work to survey students following days of service (St Anthony’s etc.)
- Possibly an International Food Fair. Develop new or unique events that will promote a healthy school culture and celebrated diversity. Connect Clubs to those areas of concerned in which they are aligned to better support the success of Clubs.
Commissioner of Social Activities
Duties: The Commissioner of Social Activities will work to…
Communicate with our Director of Student Activities to schedule, plan and execute the following…
- Rallies (Jog-a-Thon, Fall, Winter, Spring) O ASB’s Back-2-School Dance O ASB’s Casual Dance in the Spring
- March Madness lunchtime intramural o Organize and emcee lunchtime activities on the First Friday
- Develop a sensible and effective Club Rush activity and an effective Club protocol.
- Communicate with students about the events and activities that are necessary and worthwhile on SVdPHS’s campus.
- Support the Director of Student Life in the planning and implementation of Spirit Weeks and Theme Days.
- Carries out teacher and staff appreciation days once a month. Maintains sign-up lists for student participants and faculty/staff moderators for ASB events. Assist with Freshmen Orientation.
Commissioner of Athletics
Duties: The Commissioner of Athletics will work to…
- Maintain an Athletics Bulletin board which is updated monthly.
- Communicate with all coaches of a designated season to identify an athlete of the bi-weekly for each concurrent sport.
- Engage the Psychos.
- Represents SVDPHS at most every sporting event working to promote good sportsmanship and crowd behavior.
- Advertise games of the week through – posters, website updates, an updated bulletin board and social media (coordinate with ASB Historian).
- Engage student-athletes in all school events Assist with Freshmen Orientation. Develop team Chaplains in coordination with the Campus Minister and Coaches of SVdPHS.
Commissioner of Achievement
Duties: The Commissioner of Achievement will work to…
- Collect information from teachers of the various departments to celebrate student performance and/or the interesting activities and studies occurring in various classrooms.
- Coordinate NHS tutors with the NHS Faculty Advisor.
- Assist the Admissions Coordinator with Freshmen Orientation by speaking about academic success and how this is achieved.
- Celebrates April as National Poetry Month with a morning poem following prayer.
- Engage faculty and staff in a discussion about student accountability strategies for a student code of conduct.
Commissioner of the Arts
Duties: The Commissioner of the Arts will work to…
- Effectively communicate with the Campus Minister and Director of Music to coordinate music at prayer services and masses.
- Maintain and update an art bulletin board monthly to reflect the artwork begin created on campus.
- Communicates with members of ASB’s Executive Board and other Commissioners to design aesthetically pleasing flyers and graphics for students’ events and activities. Collaborate with the Art Department to oversee student involvement in the Night of the Arts, Music Club Events and other SVDPHS activities.
- Oversee the music at all school events when a DJ is not necessary.
Council of Classes:
This council is comprised of 16 individuals (ideally four from each grade level). This council works to assist the ASB Executive Board and Commissioners in planning and executing various events throughout the year. Like ASB and the Commissioners the members of the Council of Classes will also wear our lettermen sweater.
Council of Classes will meet with ASB Vice President to coordinate and enact their own ideas thoughts or activities that could strengthen SVDPHS’s resolve. Going forward, members of ASB’s Executive Board and Commissioners will require one year of membership and this position will satisfy that requirement.