Rediker PlusPortals

The Rediker PlusPortal is a convenient way for parents/guardians to stay informed about assignments and grades for their students. Teachers update electronic grade books on a weekly basis.
Development Reports
Development Reports are emailed to parents/guardians when a student is receiving a C- or below in a class. Although Development Reports may be sent at any time during the academic year, typically Development Reports are emailed in mid/late September, mid November, early February and late April
Progress Reports
Progress Reports are emailed to parents/guardians twice (midpoint through Semesters 1 and 2) during the academic year. Progress Report grades reflect progress through the midpoint of the Semester and do not necessarily correlate to half of a student’s semester grades.
Semester Report Cards
Semester Report Cards are emailed to parents/guardians at the completion of Semester 1 in January and Semester 2 in June. These grades are cumulative and reflect work completed by the student during the entire semester.For more precise dates, please refer to your current SVHS Parent-Student Planner.
Please remember with PlusPortals, you do not have to wait for Development, Progress or Semester Reports. Visit often to view student progress throughout the academic year.
Interactive Guide
Learn how to easily navigate the ParentPlus portal and find all the information you need.
For Assistance
If you need any assistance navigating the Rediker PlusPortal website, please contact the Registrar, Julie Carolan, at or 707-763-1032 x115.
If you have misplaced your activation link, please send an email to Julie Carolan at to request another activation link be emailed to you.